Mapping Your Education

(We recommend that you see an Educational Adviser if you are uncertain about choosing the right courses.)

Step 1: You enroll in General Education courses. This is considered your freshman year (year 1).

Step 2: You select a range of courses. Your MAP is made up of the choices you make moving towards your goal. The goal can change depending on what you discover, what you like, what you are good at, and the direction you eventually wish to go in. Taking a diverse number of General Education courses will allow you to transfer credits more easily in the future, if you wish to study abroad.

Step 3: Your Map has several stops before you arrive at your destination.


Year 1 Freshman Year
You choose subjects from a broad selection, including English, Social Science, Humanities, Business, Arts, and Sciences

At this point (or after sophomore year), you may choose to transfer to one of many international universities in order to complete.
Your degree OR you may choose to continue at Lincoln.

Year 2 Sophomore Year
During your sophomore year you will be able to choose subjects relating more specifically to your desired Major.

Courses you have taken in General Education are directly transferable. You will be able to bring your credits with you as this program has been designed to match international curriculum's.

Year 3 junior year
In Year 3 (junior year) you need to complete the required courses for your degree major either at Lincoln or Internationally.

Year 4 Senior Year
In Year 4 (senior year) you will further choose courses relating to your major or specialty.