Nurses are an integral part of the health care sector. Lincoln University College aims to offer advanced nursing course to students, who are willing to dedicate their life towards the well-being of the people. New and advanced nursing strategies also form the core of our learning program. Training sessions are also an integral part of our nursing program. We also impart education regarding the aspect that the students should also take care of the emotional needs of the patients.
For successful completion of Masters degree in LUC, each candidate should publish minimum of Two research articles in scopus indexed journals, with Lincoln affiliation.
Program Aim
We aim to offer the students a comprehensive understanding of the aspects related to nursing. Students are imparted training regarding the appropriate diagnosis of patients, so that they can offer or suggest treatment procedures that would prove to be beneficial for the patients. Students are also educated about the various advanced treatment procedures. We also emphasize on the acquiring of the advanced nursing skills by the students, which would help them to work as independent professionals in the professional field of nursing.
Career Opportunities
1. Government Agencies.
2. Home Health Care.
3. Nursing Care Centers.
4. Government Agencies.
5. Outpatient Care Centers.
6. Social Service Agencies.
7. Educational Sector – Private as well as Public Schools, Colleges and Universities.
Duration : 24 Months
Sl.No. | MQA Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1 | MNR 7013 | Nursing Research I: Quantitative Method | 3 |
2 | MNED 7013 | The Psychological Basis of Teaching and Learning | 3 |
3 | MNED 7023 | Principles and Practice of Teaching and Learning in Nurse Education | 3 |
4 | MNR 7033 | Nursing Research II: Qualitative Method | 3 |
5 | MNR 7023 | Statistics and Statistical Computing for Nurses | 3 |
6 | MNED 7033 | Nursing Curriculum Development and Assessment of Learning | 3 |
7 | MNED 7053 | Issues and Trend in Nurse Education | 3 |
8 | MNR 7043 | Research Project I: Research Proposal | 3 |
9 | MNED 7043 | Educational Quality Assurance | 3 |
10 | MNB 7013 | Leadership and Management in Nurse Education | 3 |
11 | MNRM 7056 | Research Project II: Project Paper | 6 |
12 | MNED 7066 | Practicum in Education || | 6 |
Intake and Entry Requirements
Intake :
Entry Qualifications :
International students require to have one of the following approvals, namely:
Health status: