Master of Medical Sciences.


Master of Medical Sciences KPT/JPS(FA 6145)07/25

The Master of Medical Sciences (MMS) degree is designed for individuals who want to work in the health-care profession. The curriculum exposes students to a wide range of medical scientific disciplines while also enhancing their academic qualifications. The program introduces students to a broad range of topics in the medical sciences while strengthening their academic credentials for admission to professional school. Students aspiring to pursue a career in medicine may require additional skill-building experience and enhanced knowledge of learning strategies. This cutting-edge master's degree program prepares future leaders in patient-oriented research with world-class training in clinical discovery methodologies and conduct. Future researchers will be able to bridge the gap between patient care and bench research, communicate successfully with a wide range of healthcare practitioners and community members, and work effectively within multinational research teams with this degree. This program is thus intended students, who wish to advance their studies in this relevant discipline of study.

For successful completion of master’s degree in Lincoln University College, each candidate should publish minimum of One research articles in Scopus indexed journals, with Lincoln University College affiliation.

The program's goal is to help students lay a strong basis for future professional and research careers. This program will produce graduates who can:

  • Be proponent in systematic understanding of ideas, concepts, knowledge, solid foundation, and practice in medical sciences through evidence-basic research principles and theories.
  • Implement proficiency in applying, analyzing, problem solving as well as synthesizing by applying intellectual capabilities of critical thinking, practical experience and analytical skills based on specialized approaches in medical research knowledge related task.
  • Adopt mastery in skills in medical sciences such as utilizing higher order interpersonal and communication skills including leadership, autonomy, and optimizes appropriate decision-making abilities by working within own team and collaboratively with other team especially in complex situations.
  • Effectively utilize digital and numerical skills to design, plan, evaluate and using appropriate software and technologies in the enhancement of Master of Medical Sciences program.
  • Empower integrity through fundamental knowledge base of the attributes of professionalism, ethics and humanism in effectively engaging self-advancement in lifelong learning through continuous personal and professional development as experts in research skills based on medical sciences as well as incorporating with entrepreneurial skills.

The program Master of Medical Sciences at Lincoln University College prepares students for diverse career opportunities are available in academia promising, research, industry, government and many other health-care sectors. Graduates with this degree can pursue a range of careers, including:

  • Physician Assistant
  • Clinical Research Associate
  • Health center administrator
  • Medical Researcher
  • Genetic Counsellor
  • Cardiovascular perfusionist.
  • Clinical trial manager.
  • Biomedical engineering specialists.
  • Medical officer.
  • Epidemiologists.
  • Genetic counsellors.
  • Emergency preparedness coordinator.

Minimum Duration: 12 - 24 Months (2 - 4 Semesters)
Maximum Duration: 24 - 48 Months (4 - 8 Semesters)

Sl.No. MQA Subject Code Subject Name
1 MMS 101 Research Methodology
2 MMS 102 Computer Application
3 Master of Medical Science Research Work
Research work on any one of the following specialties:
3.1 MMSE 101 Dermatology
3.2 MMSE 102 Pharmacology
3.3 MMSE 103 Medical Anatomy
3.4 MMSE 104 Medical Physiology
3.5 MMSE 105 Medical Microbiology
3.6 MMSE 106 Medical Biochemistry
3.7 MMSE 107 Orthopedics
3.8 MMSE 108 Pathology
3.9 MMSE 109 Paediatrics
3.10 MMSE 110 Surgery
3.11 MMSE 111 Gynecology
3.12 MMSE 112 ICU
3.13 MMSE 113 Medical Education
3.14 MMSE 114 Public Health
3.15 MMSE 115 Medical Imaging
3.16 MMSE 116 Audiology
3.17 MMSE 117 Physiotherapy
3.18 MMSE 118 Genetics
3.19 MMSE 119 Occupational Safety and Health
3.20 MMSE 120 Radiotherapy
3.21 MMSE 121 Dietetics & Nutrition
3.22 MMSE 122 Health Care Management
3.23 MMSE 123 Medical Social Work

Intake :

  1. January
  2. May
  3. September

Entry Requirements :

  1. Bachelor's Degree (Level 6, Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF)) or equivalent in a related field with a minimum CGPA of 2.75 as accepted by the Senate of Lincoln University College; or
  2. Bachelor's Degree (Level, MQF) or equivalent to it in the related field with a CGPA of less than 2.75 but above the CGPA of 2.50 is acceptable subject to rigorous internal evaluation; or
  3. Bachelor's Degree (Level 6, MQF) or equivalent to it in a relevant field with a CGPA of less than 2.50 may be admitted subject to a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the relevant field.

Duration : 12 Months.

University : Lincoln University College

Level : Master